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When darkening shadow ’round me falls,
And light and hope seem gone,
There is one thought my heart upholds;
It is, I’m not alone.

No, never alone, Jesus’ followers be;
He’s ever near, why should we fear?
Our Guide and Hope is He.

His eye can pierce the darkest cloud,
His arm all danger stay;
He waits for neither look nor word,
Our troubles to allay.

No, never alone, Jesus’ followers be;
He’s ever near, why should we fear?
Our Guide and Hope is He.

When sorrows come with crushing blow,
O’er my defenseless head;
I tremble not, for well I know
Who by my side doth tread.

No, never alone, Jesus’ followers be;
He’s ever near, why should we fear?
Our Guide and Hope is He.

When darkening shadow ’round me falls,
And light and hope seem gone,
There is one thought my heart upholds;
It is, I’m not alone.

No, never alone, Jesus’ followers be;
He’s ever near, why should we fear?
Our Guide and Hope is He.

His eye can pierce the darkest cloud,
His arm all danger stay;
He waits for neither look nor word,
Our troubles to allay.

No, never alone, Jesus’ followers be;
He’s ever near, why should we fear?
Our Guide and Hope is He.

When sorrows come with crushing blow,
O’er my defenseless head;
I tremble not, for well I know
Who by my side doth tread.

No, never alone, Jesus’ followers be;
He’s ever near, why should we fear?
Our Guide and Hope is He.

So, cheerfully I’ll travel on
Through life’s dark, thorny way;
I’ll fear no ill, I’m not alone
While Jesus is my stay.

No, never alone, Jesus’ followers be;
He’s ever near, why should we fear?
Our Guide and Hope is He.

So, cheerfully I’ll travel on
Through life’s dark, thorny way;
I’ll fear no ill, I’m not alone
While Jesus is my stay.

No, never alone, Jesus’ followers be;
He’s ever near, why should we fear?
Our Guide and Hope is He.

marker 99
Meter: 8 6 8 6 (C.M.) and refra
      Dates: 1889
      Bible Refs: Mt 28:20;
      Name: I'M NOT ALONE
      Meter: 8 6 8 6 (C.M.) and refra

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