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His hedges thou hast overthrown his wall

His hedges thou hast overthrown,
his walls destroyed quite round;
All his strong holds hast beaten down,
and leveled with the ground:

That he is sore destroyed and torn
of comers-by throughout,
And so is made a mock and scorn
to all that dwell about:

Thou their right hand hast armed with pow'r,
that him so sore annoy;
And all his foes that him devour,
1o, thou hast made to joy:

His sword's edge thou dost take away
that should his foes withstand;
To him in war no victory
thou giv'st, nor upper hand:

His glory thou dost also waste,
his throne, his joy, and mirth,
thee is overthrown and cast
full low upon the earth:

Thou hast cut off, and made full short
his youth and joyful days,
And raised of him an ill report,
to his shame and dispraise.

How long away from me therefore,
for ever wilt thou turn ?
And shall thine anger evermore
like fire consume and burn?

O call to mind, remember then,
my time consumeth fast:
Why hast thou made the sons of men
as things in vain to waste?

What man is he that liveth, and
death never thinks to see?
Or from the grave's devouring hand
shall he his soul set free?

Where is, O Lord, thy great goodness,
so oft declared before,
Which by thy truth and uprightness
to David thou hast swore?

The great rebukes to mind I call,
that on thy servants lie,
The railings of the people all,
borne in my breast have I;

Wherewith, O Lord, thine enemies
blasphem-ed have thy Name;
The steps of thine anointed one
they cease not to defame.

All praise be given unto thee,
O God, the Lord most high,
From this time forth for evermore,
Amen, Amen, say I.

marker 99
Meter: 8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
      Dates: 1562,1812
      Bible Refs: Ps 89:41-53;
      Hymn/Song Book Year Song #
      1812# 89
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