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Hymn/Song Information


Come all, who love
my Lord and master,
And like old David, I will tell,
Though chief of sinners,
I've found favor,
Redeemed by grace
from death and hell.
Far as the east from west is parted,
So far my sins by's dying love,
From me by faith are separated,
blest antepast of joys above.

I late estranged
from Jesus wandered,
And thought each
dangerous poison good,
But he in mercy long pursued me,
With cries of his redeeming blood.
Though like Bartimeus I was blinded,
In nature's darkest night concealed,
But Jesus' love removed my blindness,
And he his pardoning grace revealed.

Now I will praise him,
he spares me,
And with his people sing aloud,
Though opposed,
and sinners mock me,
In rapturous songs I'll praise my God.
By faith I view the heavenly concert,
They sing high strains of Jesus' love
O! with desire my soul is longing,
And fain would be with Christ above.

That blessed day
is fast approaching,
When Christ in glorious
clouds will come,
With sounding trumps
and shouts of angels
To call each faithful spirit home.
There's Abraham, Isaac, holy prophets,
And all the saints at God's right hand,
There hosts of angels join in concert,
Shout as they reach the promised land.

marker 99
Meter: 9 8 9 8 D
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